latest Analysis
There's a common misconception that agencies looking to sell must be weak. Even people who should know better assume that anyone selling now must be desperate.
Time was when professional trade bodies acted as cheerleaders for their industry.
Like the managers of most businesses that employ people in several offices (and countries) I’ve been thinking a lot about Coronavirus.
Who'll be the King of the hill? The game could get quite rowdy and has probably now gone the same way as conkers and ‘Bulldog’.
You’re confident that the mulled wine is at the right temperature and the playlist is spot on.
For anyone running a creative agency, Kingston Smith’s annual survey of the marketing services industry is the big daddy.
Are you one of those lucky few whose company has a financially quantified value proposition?
If you were setting out to build an agency from scratch, as Sir Martin Sorrell now intends to do – again – what differences and similarities would he notice from when he last did it, nearly thirty-three years ago?